Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Anna in the Tropics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Anna in the Tropics - Essay Example However, tragedy occurs when Juan, a lector, gets romantically involved with one of the wives of the factory men. This causes resentment and hatred towards the lectors. To add salt to an injury, Cheche’s wife leaves him for one of the lectors (Cruz, 57). It is psychological war. The hero suffers because they have good looks and are more enlightened. â€Å"Our culture [civilization] demands other sacrifices besides that of sexual gratification† (Hegel qtd in Aiello slide 29).     Ã‚   According to Hegel, tragedy occurs when there is a collision between â€Å"two goods†. Both heroes, the â€Å"two goods† end up in tragedy. From the play, the opposing goods can be loosely interpreted as follows: The lectors are supposed to teach the workers to be literate, so that they can start working with the machines in the farms. As a result of love and the tragedies they created, the workers hate them. This means that relationship within them will be sore. The adoption of machines as suggested by Cheche is not a welcome move to the workers who feel that they will lose their jobs. Conchita’s beauty causes tragedy (Cruz, 36). She leaves her husband and sleeps with Marela’s husband. In revenge, Marela sleeps with Juan. Lovers are doomed, and this affects work at the factory.   The collision between â€Å"goods†-what was originally perceived to be good-and the real turn of events, causes the misfortune at the end of the play.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Laryngeal Mask Airway Placement Methods in Pediatric Care

Laryngeal Mask Airway Placement Methods in Pediatric Care Laryngeal Mask Airway Placement: Comparison Between a Traditional and Alternative Methods in Pediatric Practice ============================================================ Emil Batarseh , MD , JBA* Zahi Majali , MD , JBA Basel D.Makhamreh , MD , JBA Abstract Objective To compare the quality of laryngeal mask airway placement between an alternative and a traditional methods in children. Methods Our prospective ,double-blind investigation enrolled 105 children subjects , aged 3months-15 years,of both genders,ASA I(American society of anesthesiologists), and assigned for different elective minor superficial operations under general halothane inhalational spontaneous laryngeal mask airway anesthesia at Princess Haya hospital-Aqaba-Jordan,during the period July 2007-July 2008. Subjects were randomized into two groups.Group I subjects (n=50) received laryngeal mask airway (LMA) through an alternative method,and group II subjects (n=55) received laryngeal mask airway via the traditional method. The number of placement attempts and duration required for success to attain a patent airway in both groups were recorded. Results Placement method made no difference in terems of first trial success (P>0.05).First trial successful placement was 85.5% and 90% in groups II and I respectively. Conclusion The alternative placement method is an acceptable solution to the traditional method. Key words:Anesthesia:general,spontaneous;LMA:traditional,alternative;children. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *Corresponding author: Department of anesthesia , intensive care and pain management , KHMC , AMMAN , JORDAN. E-mail: [emailprotected] 1 Introduction Use of laryngeasl mask airway permits the maintenance of a patent airway with successful insertion rates of the LMA on the first attempt , varying between 67-92% in pediatric practice (1).Since its introduction in 1983 by Brain,the LMA has achieved increasing popularity (2). The laryngeal mask airway has achieved a great popularity also in pediatric anesthesia practice.The laryngeal mask airway is a novel device that fills the gap in airway management between endotracheal intubatio and the use of face mask.The laryngeal mask airway is inserted blindly into the pharynx,forming a low pressure seal aroud the laryngeal inlet. Because the insertion of the laryngeal mask airway by the standard technique is not always easy in children due to the posterior pharyngeal curvature,some different maneuvers have been described to minimize this problem(3):Innserting the LMA laterally,applying the mask firmly against the hard palate,pulling the tongue forward,repositioning the head,adding or removing air to the cuff,applying continuous positive airway pressure,usig a laryngoscope and inserting the LMA like a Guedel oropharyngeal airway. The ability to maintain a patent airway and provide effective ventilation is the main objective of pediatric anesthesiological procedures.This is achieved mainly with the use of a face mask or an endotracheal tube.Both of these devices have major limitations from a strictly anatomical point of view and require adequate operator skills.The aim of LMA was of producing an airway device that would be more practical than the face mask and less invasive than the tracheal tubes.The functional ehegance of the LMA is that it forms a low pressure airtight seal against the glottis rather than plugging the pharynx,thus combining ease of insertion and adequaqte airway patency (4). Airway management is more successful with LMA technique.This is because transoral passage of instrumentation into the hypopharynx is easier than into the glottic inlet.There are four reasons:Firstly,the hypopharynx is a posterior structure and is easier to locate.Secondly,it is wider providing a bigger target.Thirdly,it is funnel-rather than tubular –shaped ,so that imprecisely positioned instrumentation will be redirected to the target and fourthly,it is better aligned with the oropharyngeal axis,making instrumentation less likely to get snagged (3). The objective of our invewstigation was to asses the effectiveness of the modified procedure in comparison to the standard procedure regarding LMA insertion. 2 Methods Our prospective,double blind investigation included 105 children patients,aged 3months-15 years,ASA I,of both sexes and scheduled for various elective minor superficial surgical procedures under general halothane inhalational spontaneous laryngeal mask airway anesthesia at Princess Haya hospital-Aqaba-Jordan,during the period July 2007-July2008,after obtaining approval from the local ethics committee of the Jordanian royal medical service directorate and written informed consent from the parents..Subjects were randomly divided into two groups using sealed envelopes.Group I children (n=50) received LMA using the modified method and group II children (n=55) received LMA via the standard method.The size of the LMA used was indicated using the patients body weight;size 1,1.5,2,2.5 ad 3 masks for 30 kgof body w2eight ,respectively. The LMA was lubricated with saline before insertion.Induction of inhalational anesthesia was performed with 3-5%halothane mixed with70% nitrous oxidein 30%oxygen.Before insertion of the LMA ,anesthesia was maintained using 2-3%halothanne in oxygen.No muscle relaxants were used.An anesthesia technician opened the patients mouth by pulling down the jaw.Intravenous cannulation was done after child is anesthetized,if The standard insertion procedure was illustrated by Brain(5).The LMA was inserted with the cuff fully deflated and against the palate,then the cuff was inflated after insertion.In the modified insertion procedure,a two-thirds moderately inflated LMA (using 2,4,6,8 and 12 ml air for size 1,1.5,2,2.5 and 3 masks respectively) was inserted with its lumen facing laterally left.While rotated clockwise 90 D,it was passed downward into position behind the larynx.Then the cuff was fully inflated.Successful insertion was clinically called for if manual ventilation with the reservoir bag was easy and the chest wall movement was smooth. The number of trials on LMA onnsertion and the duration to achieve good airway were recorded.Vital signs including heart rate and pulse oximeter readings were recorded.In case of failed LMA insertion,endotracheal intubation was achieved.An observer blinded to the insertion procedure evaluated the two procedures. Statistics Parametric data were analyzed using Students t test.P-value 3 Results There were no significant differences in terms of gender,age,weight,duration of anesthesia and size of the LMA.Table 1.Overall study group was 110 children patients,but 5 were excluded from the investigation ,who were ASA II and III physical status classified. Successful insertion was attained in 85.5% of subjects in group II and in 90% of patients in group I,at first trial.The two groups were comparable regarding the successful insertion rate,the number of trials at insertion(Second trial;GII,4 and GI,3.P>0.05.Third trial;GII,3 and GI,2,P>0.05) and the duration required for insertion (GII,0.4 minutes and GI,0.37 minutes,P>0.05). Endotracheal intubation was achieved in 1 case in GII and in no case in GI,P>0.05.In the present study,the LMA standard approach success rate was 85.5% at first trial ,increasing to 92.7% at second trial and 98.2% at third trial.In the modified approach,the success rate was 90% at first trial but was 96% at second trial and 100% at third trial. 4 Table 1. Patients characteristics. 5 Table 2. LMA insertion comparison. 6 Discussion The LMA has become popular in pediatric aesthesia practice.Nagai S,et al showed the potency of the modifiedmethod of LMA insertion (6).LMA advantages over conventional laryngoscope guided tracheal intubation are more rapid insertion and increased success rate.The modified method can be used in this investigation as an alternative procedure to the standard method of insertion.Brimacombe and Berry (7) stated that if the standard approach is used correctly,the first time success rate should be >98% in less than 20 seconds. Wakeling et al(8) demonstrated that deflating the cuff first would allow more difficult insertion due to the presentation of a softer edge to the posterior pharyngeal wall.Lopez-Gil,et al(9) used a lubricant ,whereas we moistened the LMA with saline only.He demonstrated that there was a rapid improvement in LMA skills in pediatric anesthesia practice when the standard technique was used.Gaining more experience may decrease the rate of unsuccessful insertion.Airway trauma was less frequent with the LMA than with ETI.This is not surprising as more force is required to see the glottic inlet than the hypopharynx.Perhaps the pharyngeal/esophageal mucosa is stronger than the laryngeal/tracheal mucosa as it has evolved to accommodate solid bodies and not just passaqge of gas. This modified technique I which a two –thirds inflated LMA is inserted with its lumen facing laterally forces the patients mouth to open wider and keeps the tongue from being pushed back into the air passage.These technical features result in easy insertion through the pharynx for inexperienced anesthesiologists.In addition,the softer edge of the partially inflated LMA protects the pharyngeal mucosae from trauma during insertion.Causes of difficulty with LMA onsertion include choice of wrong LMA size and difficulty in maneuvering through the posterior curvature of the pharynx (10).Differences in the airway anatomy and the frequent presence of tonsillar hypertrophy can complicate LMA insertion in children.Maneuvers to overcome this difficulty include increased head extension,jaw thrust maneuvers puuling the tongue forward,firm pressure on the LMA and using the index finger to guide the mask(10). Oneil et al (11) have reported an alternative method of insertion with the LMA partially inflated in children.They described improved ease of insertion and explained that the softness of the inflated cuff allows for easier adaptation to the differing pharyngeal characteristics of the pediatric airway. Nevertheless,Braincompared insertion techniques concerning the mechanisms of deglutition and recommended the standard technique. Although both methods of insertion were satisfactory,partial inflation of the LMA improved the ease of insertion in children as assessed by time to insertion and success rate on the first attempt.Inflation of the cuff at the smaller sized LMA after insertion often displaces the LMA and alters its position while the inflated LMA tends to insert to the proper depth and requires no further adjustment.In the standard technique,however,insertion of the LMA is not always easy.Therefore,it is reasonable that anesthesiologists devise other insertion techniques.We believe that this technique is to be recommended in certain situations. 7 Trevisanuto et al (12) found that the occurrence of first time failure decreased overtime in their study and they thought that the change represented an element of familiarization with the LMA insertion technique.The relatively small but statistically significant difference is meaningful,sice problems associated with insertion can be attributed to inadequate depth of anesthesia which may occur with prolonged placement.Our 1.8% incidence of problems that resulted in abandonment of the LMA is comparable to that reported in similar study evaluating uses of the LMA in pediatric practice(1). In Conclusion This modified techniqueia an acceptable alternativeto the standard technique I children.Thie techniqueis likelyto allow easy insertion of the LMA for unskilled anesthesiologists.Insertion of the LMA with the cuff inflated is equallysuccessfulto the standard uninflated techiquein experienced anesthesiologists.This implies that the modified inflated approach would be accepted to the general population of LMA users. 8 References 1.Shahin NJ , Mehtab A , Hammad U , et al. A study of the use of laryngeal mask airway (LMA) in children and its comparison with endotracheal intubation.Indian journal of anaesthesia 2009;53(2):174-8. 2.Pennant JH , White PF. The laryngeal mask airway.Its uses in anesthesiology. Anesthesiology 1993;79:144-63. 3.Benumof JL. Laryngeal mask airway.Indications and contraindications.Anesthesiology 1992;77(5):843-6. 4.Ghai B , Wig J . Comparison of different techniques oh laryngeal mask placement in children. Curr opin Anesthesiol 2009;22(3):400-4 5.Patel B, Bingham R.Laryngeal mask airway and other supraglottic airway devices in pediatric practice.BJA 2009;9(1):6-9 6.Nagai S , Inagaki Y , Hirosawa J , et al. Modified insertion technique of the laryngeal mask airway in children:a comparison with standard technique. Anaesthesia 2003:59-61. 7.Brimacombe J , Berry A. The laryngeal mask airway :anatomical and physiological implications. Acta Anesthesiol scand 1996;40(2):201-9. 8.Wakeling HG , Butler PJ , Baxter PJC.The laryngeal mask airway:a comparison between two insertion techniques.Anesth Analg 1997;85:687-90. 9.Lopez GM , Brimacombe J , Cebrian J , et al.Larygeal mask airway in pediatric practice. Anesthesiology 1996;84(4):807-11. 10.Ghai B , Makkar JK , Bhardwai N, et al.Larygeal mask airway insertion in children:comparison between rotational,lateral and standard techniques. Pediatric anesthesia 2008;18(4):308-12 11.Oneill B , Templeton JJ , Caramico L, et al.The laryngeal mask airway in pediatric patients:factors affecting ease of use during insertion and emergence. Anesth Analg 1994;78:659-62. 12.Trevisanuto D , Micaglio M , Ferrarese P , et al.The laryngeal mask airway:potential applications in neonates. 9

Friday, October 25, 2019

How the Western Film Genre Has Developed over the Past Century Essay

The Western film genre is typically set in a secluded village in the middle of the desert, normally in the American West. The setting includes wooden buildings, tumble weed, cacti, trains, horses and carriages. The storyline for western films is usually the same, namely, a hero travels to a remote village, usually on a horse, and brings peace to the warring villagers. In a traditional Western film the clothing for the hero is usually a white hat, (this is to show purity). The hero would also wear a brightly coloured shirt , a pair of jeans and cowboy boots with spurs on the back of them. The hero is also very clean and also normally tall and good looking. A traditional Western includes things like white settlers living in a town and a white hero fights white baddies and usually the hero wins. In a traditional western the Native Americans attack the towns where religious and peaceful people live. This makes the Native Americans look like bad people and the whites as good people. The first Western film ever made was called ‘The Great Train Robbery‘. It was made by ‘The Lumiere Brothers’ in 1903.This film was a high quality film, because they used some panning with the camera. This was unusual in its time because the cameras that they had, had to be put on a fixed point because they were too heavy to lift. This meant that they couldn’t move in for close-ups. Consequently it made it harder for the audience to understand the characters feelings and to understand the storyline. If the camera can move in on the villain when he is plotting something or pulling a gun out ready for a fight it is much easier for the audience to follow. ’The Great Train Robbery’ was a simple one-reeler action picture, about 10 minutes long, with... ...eserts, wooden buildings, small towns and cacti for the setting, western music and wind sounds for the backing music, and crane shots and panning for the camera shots. Shooting games are very popular with boys and so using the Western as a basis for these games should mean that many of them will be sold. Westerns have, and always will, be very popular. The storylines, the shoot-outs and the all action drama are popular with men. The handsome hero and the better roles for women in the films means that more women were attracted to Westerns. The advances in technology meant that lots of people came to see the films just to see the camera shots and the sound. The change of storylines which showed the Native Americans to be nice people also kept peoples interest in Westerns. This is why they are still used today to sell products such as jeans and computer games.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Marketing Principles Assignment Essay

Introduction For this coursework assignment I will demonstrate that I required a good knowledge and understanding of the concepts and process of marketing by carrying out the task given. This will be showed with examples of theory applicable to a company of my choosing. For this task examples will be related to Apple Inc. organization. Incorporated in January 1977 as Apple Computer, Inc. todays Apple Inc. designs, produces and markets media and mobile communication devices, personal computers, portable media players and sells a variety of related software. Apple’s products and services include the iPad tablet computer, iPhone handset, Mac computer and iPod music mp3 player, the iOS and OS X operating systems. The company also sells and delivers music, movies, books and applications using the iTunes Store and Mac App Store. The company headquarters are located in Cupertino, California, USA. Worldwide there are 390 Apple retail stores with reported revenue in 2012 of $36.0 billion. Marketing wise the company is been voted many times as the winner of CMO Survey Award for Marketing Excellence. Apple’s three points marketing philosophy namely Empathy, Focus and Impute have made it possible for the company to become one of the world’s most valuable brands. Task 1 Task 1a. According to the American Marketing Association (October 2007) marketing is defined as â€Å" the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. The CMA – Canadian Marketing Association defines marketing as â€Å" a set of business practices designed to plan for and present an organization’s products or services in ways that build effective customer relationships.† The Chartered Institute of Marketing defines marketing as â€Å" the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably† â€Å"Broadly defined, marketing is asocial and managerial process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return† (Hasell, 2012) These definitions show the importance of management in marketing and how important is for a business to know the consumers needs and wants. These definitions also show the importance of communicating a message to create the awareness that would create monetary value in return. The management process of identifying, anticipating and satisfying the consumers’ needs and wants it’s called a marketing process. This process is made of four steps: 1. Analyze the company situation 2. Develop a marketing strategy 3. Make decisions in terms of marketing mix 4. And how to implement and control the marketing strategy. Examples of Apple Inc. marketing process: -Apple is using SWOT and PEST models to analyze the company situation. -Apple is targeting more the middle upper income professionals. -Apple builds up anticipation before launching a product. -Apple included a customer service phone number in the iPhone phone book for customer direct contact with Apple in case of technical problems. Task 1b. There are a few marketing concepts that an organizations can adapt. Each one of these concepts has advantages and disadvantages. These marketing concepts are: Product related – is when a company could focus on perfecting a product  and its quality. The disadvantage for being product orientated is that a company can lose site of what consumer may want and need when focusing on creating one perfect product. Production related – a company could focus on the mass production of a product. The advantage for being production-orientated is that a production line in place could bring more profit because of the low cost on producing the same product. Although low costs are possible because customers have different needs, changing the line for a different product it’s costly. Sales related – a company could try to focus on selling what it produces. The disadvantage is that the company does not know what the customers’ needs are. Market related – a company could focus on customer needs before developing a product. The disadvantage is that information could be obtained from customers who do not know what they need. With so much interest on what the customer needs, the product development can be overlooked. Societal related – a company could focus on the natural and social environment and the customer needs The disadvantage of being societal orientated is that it is rarely possible to satisfy all customers’ needs and stakeholders. The first three marketing concepts, product, production and sales, are focusing on the product. The last two concepts, market and sales, focus on the consumer. Although they all are focus differentiated, all five concepts have one single goal in common and that is to make profit. Market orientation is about collecting and dissemination of information from customers. Apple Inc. has adopted the market concept together with product orientation. Having adopted both orientation with emphasis on quality and future customers needs it allowed the organization to anticipate the need for a new product, set higher prices and make more profit. But being marketing orientated it is costly. A company has to invest in the development of the product, market research, in surveys, databases, analysts and product changes. Although it is costly to be marketing orientated there are benefits for adopting this concept. For example: – The Apple’s iPhone is at his fifth generation. Introduced in 2007, it was a product of innovation and market research. The development of the product took three years and with the collaboration between Apple and Cingular Wireless is  estimated to have cost $150 millions. According to Forbes magazine (08/2012) â€Å"†¦something that didn’t exist five years ago, has higher sales than everything Microsoft has to offer. More than Windows, Office, Xbox, Bing, Windows Phone, and every other product that Microsoft has created since 1975. In the quarter ended March 31, 2012, iPhone had sales of $22.7 billion; Microsoft Corporation, $17.4 billion.† Task 2 Task 2a. A business organization marketing decisions are influenced by macro and the micro environmental factors. Businesses can cover the inside factors with a SWOT model analysis and the external factors can be assessed by doing a PEST model analysis. The advantage of doing these analyses is the identification of opportunities and knowing where the organization is at that moment. Apple Inc. 2013 SWOT analysis: – Strengths: brand reputation and own retail stores. Combined with a strong financial performance and innovative capabilities Apple can be first on the market satisfying new customer’s needs. – Weaknesses. Apple products have higher prices. Conscious people my find them to expensive and competitors can take advantage of this factor. Recent changes in management could lead to misunderstandings between Apple In. departments and could slow down the process of making marketing mix decisions for the 4 Ps (product, price, place and promotion). – Opportunities. High demand for the iPhone 5 and the iPad products and the growth of tablet and smartphone markets. Competition mistakes like the Microsoft introduction of Vista software. Apple took full advantages of how bad was the Vista program having PC users downgrading back to XP and migrating to Apple. This can best be seen in the â€Å"I am a Mac I am a PC† ads (2006-2008). – Threats. New competitors like the Huawei in the UK phone market. Strong dollar will affect exports. Apple Inc. macro environment is analyzed using the PEST model (political, economical, social and technological). These are factors that the organization has little or no control over them and can either support or  hinder Apple’s marketing decisions. For example, in the case of the political factors a tax increase usually means a price increase. This will reduce the purchasing power of the consumer and subsequently reduce profits. Recession is an economical factor. The consumer buying confidence is usually low and high priced Apple products are seen more as a commodity than a necessity. Task 2b. Satisfying customers by treating them alike is rarely possible because they have different needs. Segmentation is about understanding and satisfying these needs by separating consumers in groups with the same needs. One of the advantages of segmentation is that the organization can position the product better within a chosen segment. Poorly done segmentation can group customers in the wrong segment. The bases for segmentation are demographic, geographic, psychographic, behavioristic and geo-demographic. Some of the characteristics for demographic segmentation are sex, age, income, and education. Geographic segmentation is based on the location of potential customers. Psychographic is based on customers’ personality and lifestyles. Behavioral segmentation is based on the consumers’ actions. Geo-demographic is a combination of the geographical and demographical segments. There are three types of targeting methods and these are: Undifferentiated – for all publics Concentrated – focus on a specific group Differentiated – for different group types To recommend segmentation criteria and targeting methods for two different products I chose Apple’s iPod and the iPhone. For both products Apple Inc. should pursue the demographic and psychographic segmentation criteria. This will allow the organization to separate and target consumers based on the amount of money they have to spend and on what they would like to spend. – For the iPod (mp3 music player) Apple should pursue the concentrated method. This will allow them to focus on those customers who like to listen to music  on the go, organize songs and ultimately buy music for the iPod with the help of additional music platform like the iTunes. – For the iPhone, Apple should pursue the undifferentiated method. With so many different features the iPhone can be used by anyone for personal and business use. Task 2c. Buyer behavior affects how organizations market their products. Cultural, Social, Personal and Psychological are the four major factors influencing buyers’ behavior. To appeal consumers’ preferences, marketing mix strategies are developed by the organizations for the target market. Positioning is a strategy with what an organization can influence the buyer behavior. The strategy could include product use, product user, price, quality, product features, product class, competitors, benefits and cultural symbol. Apple Inc. products are perceived as high priced products with some buyers’ perception of them as over priced products. To counteract this perception Apple should reposition the iPod and the iPhone products using a strategy emphasizing products use, quality, performance and features. Task 3 Task 3a. To have sustainable competitive advantages Apple Inc. products development start with generating ideas. For example, the development of the iPhone product started with the idea of interacting with a computer without a keyboard. Usually a company can have many ideas for a product and screening them is necessary. Apple Inc. screens them through evaluations on the bases like the market needs, costs and resources. Apple market research concluded that the iPhone will have no competition for its features and the benefit will out way the cost of development. The next step of the product development was the physical transformation of the concept. Testing of the Apple products is done within the company using the employees. Normally companies test their new products with consumers but Apple prefers this type of testing because of the need of keeping the product features a secret from the competitors. After the evaluation of new ideas from the employees the iPhone was produced for the market. Task 3b. To make products available to the consumers Apple Inc. has three choices of distributions: 1) Selling directly to consumers. This channel of distribution is advantageous and a preference for Apple In. for the opportunities arising from interacting directly with the customer. Apple has their own retail stores with knowledgeable sales people who can make it very convenient for a customer to buy Apple products. Another way is selling directly through their website. Both options can be advantageously used for market research for better anticipation of new customer needs. 2) The second channel of distribution is selling the products through retailers. The advantage this channel provides is the promotion getting through retail advertisements. Many retail stores will place Apple products separately from the competitors in plain view for a customer to see it first and also use Apple products more for store advertisements. 3) This channel is selling through the wholesalers and retailers and is the least advantageous. For the last two channels (2 and 3) the disadvantage for Apple is that in both cases if the chain is disrupted, Apple products will not reach the customers. Task 3c. One of the most important elements of the marketing mix is Pricing. Pricing generates turnover for the organizations. The other 3P’s elements in the marketing mix are costs for the organizations. A number of pricing strategies can be adopted by an organization. For this task I have chosen to discuss three of them for their advantages and disadvantages. 1. Cost based price strategy is when a company sets prices based on the cost of the other 3P’s. The advantage of choosing this strategy is that because it’s the most realistic and the mark up its easier to set before the final pricing decision.. The disadvantage is that in a volatile industry where costs are always changing no set price can be set and the mark up is the final pricing decision. 2. Competition based price strategy is where a company can set a lower, the same or a higher price in comparison with competitors. The advantage is that a competitive lower price can be set to attract potential  customers. This strategy disadvantage is that it is unknown the production cost of the competitors and the company may operate at a loss. 3. Customer based pricing strategy is used when a company determines the price based on what is believed consumers are prepared to pay. The advantage of this strategy is that the price satisfies the customer price preference. The disadvantages with this strategy are that customers might give false impressions and the cost of production is knot known by them hence the company might run at a loss. Customer based pricing strategies are: Penetration Pricing – launching a low price product to increase market share Price Skimming – charging a higher price to maximize profits Loss leaders – a price set low to attract and encourage customers purchasing other products Predatory Pricing – setting a low price deliberately to restrict or prevent competition (in UK this type of price setting is illegal) Psychological Pricing – making the product believed to be cheaper than it really is. (Instead of  £1.00 it set at  £0.99) Apple Inc. uses the price skimming strategy. This strategy works for them because the company segments and target customers more effectively. The advantages with price skimming are that it creates the impression of prestige around Apple products and also in case of setting the price to high it could be lower easily. It also offers an insight on what the customers are willing to pay. Although this strategy has its advantages, in the computing and smartphone industry Apple has many competitors now and price skimming might be risky with the next product introduction. Consumers have many choices now and price preference is lower. Because of changes in consumers price preferences Apple Inc. should pursue the use of penetration pricing strategy in to attract new customers and increase the market share. Although the market share will increase the risk is that it is possible to still make lower profits. Task 3d. Promotion is one of the 4P’s and comprises of sales promotions, advertising, direct marketing, personal selling and public relations. These five elements make the promotion mix and are also known as the marketing communication elements. The usage of all five elements at one time is known as Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). To achieve and maintain long-term customer relationships Apple uses components from the IMC and the AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action) concepts. Advertisements and promotions are used to capture the consumer attention, his interest and desire to own an Apple product. Public relation is used to deal directly with customers about product issues. Apple uses direct marketing by emailing marketing messages on Valentines Day or Christmas to registered customers. Personal selling is used in Apple retail stores. Personnel can also inform customers about the products they inquiring about. One of the Apple sales promotions is â€Å" Buy a Mac and get a free iPod Touch†. Apple Inc. interest is to maximize the company impact on the consumer for maximum profits and the IMC concept is a very important tool in the company marketing strategy. Task 4 Task 4a. Known as the Four P’s, the traditional marketing mix basic elements are Product, Price, Place and Promotion. The mix of these four elements done right will result in meeting its marketing objectives for a company and satisfy its customers. Factors like marketing is far more customers orientated now and in developed countries the service sector dominates the economic activity have contributed to the addition of new Ps to the traditional marketing mix. The additional three Ps are Physical Evidence, Process and People and together with the four basic elements make the 7Ps of the Extended Marketing Mix. To understand the relevance of the extended marketing mix to service marketing first one must understand the characteristics of service. There are five characteristics of service marketing and these are: 1. Intangibility – services cannot be seen, taste and feel before they are bought. 2. Inseparability – a service is produced and consumed at the same time. 3. Perishability – a product can be stored for future use whereas a service cannot. 4. Variability – service standard  will vary because of people. 5. Ownership – in comparison with a product a service can only be used and not owned. In service marketing the service is the Product and is intangible. Marketing Price, like product is also invisible. Place is where the service is consumed and unlike a product where it is found in retail stores, a service is found in accommodation places such as the hotels, restaurants, airplanes. Service Promotions can be an extension of the original service. For example a hotel may offer an extra night stay, discount prices for other services found within the hotel or outside but the original price offer is still the same. What is seen during the consumption of service is referred to as the Physical Evidence. Consumers expect a good standard and presentation of the environment where the service is consumed and businesses will focus on the quality layout presentation. How the service is carried out or delivered is the Process. In many cases process is associated with customer service. In the transport industry often carriers do lack on the quality of it because of delays that may or may not have to do with the employees. The employees are the People and final element in the extended marketing mix and are the ones delivering the service. The extended marketing mix its relevant to all businesses that give priority in meeting the needs of customers and its more particular relevant to the service industry. Task 4b. The seven marketing mix variables are highlighted above. The traditional 4Ps are for product marketing and all 7Ps are for service marketing. Two segments of interest for this task are the hotels in hospitality industry for their lodging services and the airlines in the industry of transport for their transport services. In the hotel industry, in terms of process and physical evidence, a regular room is provided for customer accommodation and the customer may have to pay extra for other services like a massage or a drink at the hotel bar. In terms of process apart from regular room cleaning sheets and towels and concierge services a customer will not get much else for his money. In comparison the business customer will experience something totally different. A Business may reserve the entire hotel or the best room with the best view, 24-hour room service, free access to the spa and other things considered luxurious. Although the product sold is the same for both C and B, because of additional services and a differentiated process, it differs and the price is usually the first one to tell which one is which. In the airline industry, businesses provide transportation in the economy class and the business class. In the economy class in terms of physical layout, after the journey some customers wished they left their legs at home and kids never existed. Whereas in the business class, a customer can park his car, watch his favorite movie while drinking champagne. Again the product has not changed because customers in the economy and business class are moved from point A to point B with the same airplane in the same amount of time. The understanding is that businesses can afford to pay more when it comes to buying services and airlines will charge more for extra. Task 4c. Globalization and Unions between different countries around the world have made it possible for national businesses to enter international markets. When entering the international markets businesses could find many opportunities but the challenges are different and on a higher scale than the ones faced in a domestic market. Domestic marketing is the production, promotion, distribution and sale of goods and services nationally while international marketing is the same but for customers needs in a global market. In the last quarter of 2012, domestically, Apple Inc. revenue accounted for 40 per cent with 60 per cent revenue from the international markets (Niu, 2013). 40 per cent revenue for Apple means that it dominates in the domestic market. This is possible for Apple because the company has to deal with only one set of customers on which it can concentrate more effectively. Other factors contributing to this positive revenue are that Apple uses of the same policies and strategies and requires lesser financial resources. The other sixty per cent revenue for Apple, thinking in term of global it is small revenue for the company. This has to do with the fact that international marketing is more complex and more risky. It requires more financial resources than domestic marketing. Internationally, Apple  Inc. has to deal with different markets, different languages and different types of consumers with different tastes. In countries with laws and regulations of their own, for Apple it is more challenging and requires more commitment from the company in applying the marketing principles. Conclusion In this coursework assignment I tried to my best abilities to demonstrate that I acquired a good knowledge and understanding of marketing principles by applying the theory to Apple Inc. by carrying out the tasks given for the assignment. Overall my understanding now is that marketing is with us every day, next to us and even in us people. Consciously or subconsciously we are marketing ourselves as individuals every day to others. Marketing has an impact on everything and it cannot be avoided. For businesses, marketing is a strategic war plan for getting peoples attention to maximize profits. In this war business tend to aim at peoples emotions. Marketing is a discipline and is defined by social participation. But the most important thing learned I believe is that consumers’ needs and wants are always changing and marketing needs to change accordingly. References American Marketing Association. (2007). Definition of Marketing. Available: Last accessed 16th May 2013. Apple. (2013). Apple Info. Available: Last accessed 12th Jul 2013. Apple Press. (2012). Apple Reports Fourth Quarter Results. Available: Last accessed 12th Jul 2013 Campbell, M. (2012). Apple to open up to 35 new retail stores in 2013. Available: Last accessed 11 Jul 2013. Canadian Marketing Association. (n/a). Definition of Marketing. Available:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Madam Cj Walker Essay

Madame C.J. Walker was America’s first self-made female millionaire. She amassed her fortune through hard work, innovative ideas, and a fierce dedication to her craft and her people. Contrary to most historical accounts, Madame C.J. Walker did not invent the pressing comb. Per her own words, Madame Walker started the â€Å"hair-growing† business, borne out her desire to remedy her own hair loss. In 1910 Madame C.J. Walker moved her ever expanding â€Å"Special Correspondence Course† business, founded on her System of Beauty Culture, to Indianapolis. There she purchased and paid for her home adjoining which was a factory and laboratory. On September 2, 1911 she petitioned the Indiana Secretary of State to become incorporated and on September 19th, 1911, said petition was granted, marking the genesis of the Madame C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company of Indiana, Inc. wherein Madame Walker was the President and sole shareholder of all 1,000 shares of stock. She was also an early civil rights advocate on behalf of Black people, and an avid financial supporter of what today we call HBCU†s or Historically Black Colleges and Universities. By the time of her passing in 1919, Madame C.J. Walker had built one of the largest black owned manufacturing companies in the world, an international network of over 15,000 Madame Walker agents, beauty schools in three states, and a 32 room mansion at Irvington-on-the-Hudson, New York. Madame’s only child, A’Lelia Walker became President of the Madame C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company of Indiana upon her mother’s passing. Per Madame’s will, two-thirds of the stock of the Company was placed in a Trust, over which were five Trustees. The other one-third of the stock of the company was bequeathed to her only child. When A’Lelia died, the one-third share of stock she owned was â€Å"split† between two people, each receiving onesixth share. The majority two-thirds remained in the Trust. Over six decades later, in 1985, the Trustees petitioned the Marion County Probate court to allow them to sell the stock and assets of Madame Walker’s company, including inventory and historical documents, to a man named Raymond Randolph. The owners of the remaining shares of stock also agreed to sell their shares to Raymond Randolph. Thus, on December 20th, 1985, Raymond L. Randolph became the first person since Madame C.J. Walker herself to own all 1000 shares of stock in the Madame C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company of Indiana, aka the Madame C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Anemia Case Study Essays - Anemias, Mineral Deficiencies

Anemia Case Study Essays - Anemias, Mineral Deficiencies Running Head: Anemia Case Study Anemia Case Study Name: Institute: Date: Case Study #1 Ms. A has breathlessness, lethargy, light-headedness, tachycardia, tachypnea and hypotension. She is suffering with menorrhagia and dysmenorrheal for ten to twelve years and taking aspirin to relieve menstruation pain as well as to avoid joint stiffness while playing golf. Her laboratory values shows low Hemoglobin=8g/dl (Normal value 12-15.2gm/dl in female), Low Hematocrit = 32% (Normal value- 37-46% in female), low Erythrocyte count = 3.1x 10/m (Normal - 3.8-5.5 x 10/mm in female), Reticulocyte count = 1.5% (Normal 0.5-1.5%) and RBC smear shows microcytic and hypochromic cells (Saunders, 1999). Based on these observations, Ms.A is most likely having iron deficiency anemia. Anemia is also called iron poor blood. There are many types of anemia. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia in the world. Blood is unable to carry enough oxygen when there is anemia. Hemoglobin is an iron rich protein that gives red color to the blood. Iron is an essential substance for the synthesis of hemoglobin. The function of hemoglobin is to carry oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body. Pregnancy, heavy menstruation, ulcers, colon polyps, inherited disorders, colon cancer and inadequate intake of dietary iron are some causes of anemia. Some blood disorders like Thalassemia, sickle cell anemia and cancer also can lead to anemia (Anemia , 2011). Regular use of aspirin or other non steroidal antiinflamatory drugs like Ibuprofen can lead to anemia aswell.Microcytic and hypochromic red blood cells are seen in iron deficiency anemia. Dietary deficiency of iron and chronic blood loss are the two main causes of this type of anemia.Other causes are inability to absorb iron like in intestinal diseasessuch as celiac disease and intake of some medication that reduce the acid in the stomach. The signs and symptoms include tachycardia, dyspnea, palpitations, fatigue, pallor, mouth sorness especially on the corners of the mouth (Module 3 Readings). Anemia also can make the patient weak,cold and irritable. The doctor will diagnose iron deficiency anemia based on the medical history, physical exam and the results of the tests and procedures. There may be no signs and symptoms to mild to moderate iron deficiency anemia.Therefore,often this anemia is diagnosed during a screening test or when checking for other problems.Iron deficiency anemia usually develop over time.A simple blood test of complete blood count can diagnose the disease.Other tests used to diagnose iron deficiency anemia are reticulocyte count, peripheral smear and tests to measure the iron levels. This type of anemia can be succesfully treated and it depends on the cause and severity of the condition. Treatment includes dietary changes and iron suppliments.Iron therapy in injectable forms and blood transfusion are the tratment for severe iron deficiency anemia.If the iron deficiency is caused by bleeding, the cause has to be treated first.For example, a bleeding peptic ulcer may need antibiotics,other medications and even surgery.(Explore Iron- Deficiency Anemia, 2011). Ms.A shows most of the signs and symptoms of iron deficiency anemia. Her blood work is also indicating the same. Based on the circumstances and preliminary work up , Ms. A is most probably having Iron deficiency anemia. It seems there may be some different contributing factors to Ms. As circumstance. It would be beneficial to her if she were educated about supplements for the heavy menses, maintaining hydration and knowledge about dosage and risks of taking aspirin. Reference Anemia . (2011). Retrieved from Medline Plus: Explore Iron- Deficiency Anemia. (2011). Retrieved from National Heart Lung and Blood Institute: Saunders, W. (1999). Normal Reference Range Table. Retrieved from

Monday, October 21, 2019

African Americans and Making a Difference essays

African Americans and Making a Difference essays Imagine walking down the street, while being called derogatory names. Imagine being legally banned from sitting in the front of the bus. Imagine how one must feel as he or she gives up the only seat to a white person and being forced to stand rather than sit. Imagine the fear one must feel as fellow citizens hatefully bomb his or her home. These are just a few examples of the hateful, violent acts of racial discrimination, which all African Americans were forced to endure. Because the suffering had become too much to bear, African Americans began speaking out against racial discrimination. As many leaders supporting the cause emerged, one man seemed to stand out in the crowd and take a starring role in what would become the civil rights movement. This man, whose name is most associated with the civil rights movement, was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His belief that African Americans could only gain civil rights through passive resistance and the use of non-violent protests differed from the beliefs of other civil rights leaders. King demonstrated his belief through the use of sit-ins, protests, and speeches, and his involvement in nonviolent groups and organizations working toward equality for African Americans. Such organizations were the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and a Youth March for Integrated Schools. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "somebody will have to say 'Th ere lived a race of people, a black people, fleecy locks and black complexion, but a race of people who had the moral courage to stand up for their rights...."(Carson 2). The passive resistance ideology of Martin Luther King, Jr. is responsible for the success of the civil rights movement during the 1960's. At the very young age of six, King experienced his first encounter with racial discrimination. His experience at a young age led to the life-long goal of changing the way African ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Get a Job in College

How to Get a Job in College Knowing how to get a job in college can be challenging, especially if youre new on campus or youve never applied for an on-campus job before. And while each and every student worker plays an important role in helping make a college run better, there are definitely some jobs that are better than others. So how can you make sure that the job you get in college is a good one? Start Early There are undoubtedly other students, just like you, who want or need to get a job in college. Which means that there are lots of other people eager to apply for the job(s) you want to get, too. As soon as you know that you need or want to work during your time in school, start figuring out how and where to make the process happen. If at all possible, try to do some emailing or even applying before you officially arrive on campus for a new semester. Figure Out How Much Money You Want or Need to Make Before you start looking at listings, take a moment to sit down, make a budget, and figure out how much money you need or want to make from your on-campus job. Knowing the amount youll need to bring in each week will help you figure out what to look for. You may, for example, think the gig working at the theater is totally perfect, but if it only offers a few hours each weekend and you know youll need to work 10 hours a week, its no longer the perfect gig. Look at the Official Listings If youre applying for an on-campus job, chances are that all of the student jobs are posted in one central place, like the student employment or financial aid office. Head there first to avoid having to spend a ton of time trying to see if individual departments or offices are hiring. Dont Be Afraid to Ask Around and Network When people hear networking, they often think of schmoozing with people they dont really know at a cocktail party. But even on a college campus, its important to talk to people about what youd like in an on-campus job. Talk to your friends to see if they know of great places that are hiring or if theyve worked somewhere they particularly liked. If, for example, someone down the hall works at the mailroom, thinks its a great gig and is willing to put in a good word for you, voila! Thats networking in action. Apply Applying for on-campus jobs is usually a much lower-key process than applying for jobs at, say, a major department store or corporate office in town. That being said, its still important to appear professional when you apply for an on-campus job. No matter where you work on campus, youll undoubtedly be interacting with people off-campus, professors, upper-level administrators, and other important folks. Whoever hires you will want to make sure that when the community interacts with you, as a member and representative of their office, the interaction is positive and professional. So make sure you return phone calls or emails on time, show up for your interview on time, and dress in a way that makes sense for the position. Ask What the Time Line Is You may apply for a super-casual gig where they hire you on the spot. Or you may apply for something with a little more prestige where you need to wait a week or two (or more) before you hear if youve got the job or not. Its okay to ask during your interview when theyll be letting people know if they are being hired; that way, you can still apply for other jobs and be making progress while you wait. The last thing you want to do is shoot yourself in the foot by letting all the other good jobs slip by as you wait to hear from one specific place that ends up not hiring you. Although the first few weeks of any semester is a flurry of activity as students apply for on-campus jobs, everyone usually ends up landing something that they like. Being smart about the process can help increase the chances that youll end up with a job that not only provides a little cash but also lets you enjoy your time working in school.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Social media Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Social media - Research Paper Example The selection of Facebook as a social media marketing tool is influenced by the fact that the site offers a massive market that could be utilized. The site has been in existence since 2004, making it the oldest significant social media network to date. The number of users has surpassed the 1 billion globally. This provides a massive business opportunity in regards to market reach. In an argument by Ray (2013) the use of Facebook as a marketing tool provides a business with a massive and significant market population. The author further asserts that the market concentration at one place makes marketing simpler (Ray, 2013). These forecasts have been reflected in the family business. On a daily business, our Facebook page is viewed by at least 15 people. This depicts the effectiveness and simplicity of using Facebook as a marketing tool. In addition, out of the 15 views, five people contact us on the availability and description of our products. The trend has significantly increased the size of the target market and consumer population. From the site, we are able to acquire consumer feedback on how we could improve our marketing approaches as well product and service quality. Consumer often feel friendly enough to develop personal interactions. To understand the effectiveness of Facebook in business, one should understand the prevalence of its usage. Firstly, the social network has an estimated 700 million active users) (iMarketing Factory, 2011. From the population, each active user spends an estimated time of 50 minutes daily in the social network site (iMarketing Factory, 2011). Moreover, the active Facebook user has an average of 130 friends. Consequently, their interactions would be visible to more people. From a business point of view, this is a massive opportunity for brand education and development. This exceptional opportunity is not emulated by any other marketing approach (Ray, 2013). To capitalize on the opportunity, my family

Utopian Thinking & Practical Leadership Alternatives Essay

Utopian Thinking & Practical Leadership Alternatives - Essay Example According to the book, the new ideas can be effective in the management of resources. For instance, he uses â€Å"the participatory city budgeting process in Porto Alegre, Brazil† to show how collective handling of public resources can be both political and economic benefit (Wright, 2010). He uses the success of this case to show how public inclusion in decision-making processes can be used as a tool to bring bureaucracy to an end, thus promotes democracy. The argument in this case is that the involvement of the public in public political and economic issues makes it hard for there to be manipulation of public resources by a few members of the public to serve their own interests. He also argues that when social institutions are communal, the members of the community tend to complement each other instead of competing against each other. This is clearly depicted by the Mondragon Corporation. The cooperation is community based and has its policies based on communism. As much as there has been the dominance of capitalism, this cooperation remains to be one of the largest business organizations in Spain in terms of asset turnover (Abrams, 2008). Most of the resources sure community owned, making it hard for there being influential individuals taking advantage of the less fortunate. The main ideas are that this form of business existence discourages bureaucracy and encourages collective accountability (Semler, 1993). According to Wright, the main reason as to why the current organizational paradigm needs redesigning is the way it has been unsuccessful in meeting its expectations. When capitalism was first introduced in Europe, many people thought that it will lead to an improvement in democracy. It was also expected to trigger faster economic growth. However, a closer look at capitalism, and how it works in the modern world will prove that it only works for those with affluence

Friday, October 18, 2019

Cloud Atlas movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Cloud Atlas - Movie Review Example The second story starts showing the concerns for a young bi-sexual English man known by the name of Robert Frobisher. He ran from one place to another hiding from the debts he had gathered, a bad habit of gambling right after his disinheritance by his fathers will back in 1931. This English man went to Belgium with a plan so that he could crawl his way into a famous music composer's menage, with the help of his offerings and his dexterous musical skills he managed to put a roof above his head and earns some money for his pocket. Vyvyan Ayrs was a syphilitic and egotistical old man who was still belligerent to write music, and hired Frobisher, unknown to the facts of the English man’s secret life. Frobisher detailed his experience in the form of letters which he mailed them regularly to his best friend the back in England, Mr. Rufus Six Smith. As time passed by, everything went better than Frobisher had anticipated for. He became an essential asset for the musician’s mus ical conformations, Frobisher illegally slept with the old man's wife, stole and altered documents from the old musician’s estate, so that he could sell them for the needed cash urge he had in his past life. In one of these items, Frobisher found, was a copy of Adam ‘The advocate's journal’. Frobisher started to create his own music, a genius who began to arise and the bi-sexual began to write his first symphony, the Cloud Atlas Sextet. The movie then fast forwards to the nineteenth century, 1970 California where a journalist Luisa Rey was found investigating possible dangerous insinuations of a new-fangled nuclear plant being constructed. She meets Rufus Six smith, who was an elderly physicist, and the one whose reports would expose the real truth behind the... Movie Review – Cloud Atlas talks about six different stories that rally back and forth through time. The first story starts with the scene of the mid eighteenth century from the South Pacific region when an American lawyer named Adam Ewing take a trip by ship from the island of Chatham Isle and travel back to San Francisco. The second story begins displaying young bi-sexual English man named Robert Frobisher. He ran from one place to another hiding from the debts he had gathered, a bad habit of gambling right after his disinheritance by his fathers will back in 1931. The movie then fast forwards to the nineteenth century, 1970 California where a correspondent Luisa Rey was found investigating possible dangerous insinuations of a new-fangled nuclear plant being constructed. In the fourth epilogue we met Mr. Timothy Cavendish present-day here in England, where a small flourishing publishing business suddenly accomplishes huge triumph when one of the movies broadcasted became a h uge success. The movie then takes the audiences towards the 22nd century where most of the earth had been diseased and the remaining citizens had overcrowded into large cities run by conglomerates. Finally we come across the final story which is set in an un-sociable future of the iron-age in Hawaii. These six stories in the movie Cloud Atlas explored most comparable themes, but each story is presented in a different manner which immensely differentiates its viewpoints. The prettiness of these stories is that they are one way or another inter-twined within each other.

Groups and Teams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Groups and Teams - Essay Example Several reasons were collected and comparison made. The major reasons that had affected the performance of the groups were: leadership, communication, perspective towards one another, and commitment. According to Tuckman, the issue of leadership can be resolved according to his model, which describes leadership in four stages namely; formation, forming, storming, norming, and adjourning. The latter being the end of the task. Leadership is the determinant of group success, and with Tuckman’s model, the team issues can be resolved. Keywords: Teams, Members, Communication, Leadership, Tuckman’s Model QUESTION ONE Factors that Caused Poor Functioning of Team A Lack of consistency in terms of attendance by 3 group members during the initial stages of project development, there was a lot of absenteeism. Lack of defined leadership; there was no right procedure for the appointment of leaders, in fact, there is the case where the caretaker and the organizer were appointed in the absence of some members. Poor communication approach: Due to various commitments of the members, it was difficult for them to meet; this was further affected by the methods of communication preferred by members. Some preferred face to face, while others preferred the use of discussion tools. Furthermore, these two methods had other challenges. For the case of face to face, there were conflicts on the meeting points, and at times failure by members to attend. For the case of discussion tools, some members did not have time to read what had been posted. These communication problems greatly affected the progress of the project. According to the statistics collected in the socio-gram, results showed that members could not work well with one another, since there were differences amongst them. Coping up with such an issue in a group is very difficult and usually leads to failure. Lenience of the members in dealing with defaulting members became a routine, and this resulted to overworking on the part of the other members, hence creation of imbalance of workloads. Lack of commitment: some members had taken lightly the task that was before them and therefore could not give it priority; ideas could not be well tapped and often, there was over reliance on a few individuals. Factors that led to Poor Functioning of Group B Late commencement of the project: the members dragged themselves too much, and this reduced their time to work, while they still had to beat the deadline. Poor communication: members rarely met and used discussion tools inadequately. Lack of commitment: this is seen through the two dropouts who earlier on showed some signs of commitment and later retreated. Internal conflicts: although some members denied this, it was still evident that misunderstandings prevailed; some were angry and stressed while doing the work, but could not communicate it out. Norms were not set to enable each member to have a guideline to follow. QUESTION TWO Comparison of Conflic ts in Group A and Group B Tickman’s stage two of group formation is regarded as the storming stage and is seen as the conflict stage. In terms of decision making, there are similarities between the two groups (group A and B). At one point, members agree on certain approaches, but fail to honor the decision. For the two groups, in most occasions, each member decides what to do, regardless of the impact on the project. The position of leadership differed in the two

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Pre-rotation assigment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Pre-rotation assigment - Essay Example 2. Health Education programs that will be well received. These are such as health education programs on disease prevention and control, tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs use, mental health, sensory perception, nutrition, environmental health, dental health, first aid, and public health (NYC Department of Education, 2013). 3. Information from healthy people 2020 can be used to develop up to date education programs in schools. The information can also influence school based care practices since it provides important information about effective health care practices. Information about certain diseases prevention strategies can be obtained from Healthy people 2020, new ideas about school based care can be obtained from the initiative for it has a variety of information. Take an example of the leading cause of suicide. If increased suicide rates are observed in schools, Healthy People 2020 can provide a variety of information about the current causes, prevention strategies, and management strategies, and how to implement any programs that can eliminate the program (Healthy People 2020, 2013). 4. School nurses will be required to have additional skills. This will include identification and management of mental illness among children, and trauma management. The position could also change and include mental illness specialists and post traumatic stress counselors, as well as related diseases and circumstances to such events. Resources that can be utilized are; seeking more information about post traumatic stress management and gaining skills in that area (Carey, Linke, Hargro, Mosemak & Loehrke,

Treatment for gout arthritis and development of research study design Proposal

Treatment for gout arthritis and development of study design - Research Proposal Example Currently, there is no long term well-coordinated research works that can show how people with knowledge about purine containing foods and keep specific purine diets low and get acupuncture is more successful in reducing contraction of gouty arthritis break outs as compared to colchicine and NSAIDs for male of ages 18-40 tested over a period of 24 moths. A number of doctors have come out to point out the effectiveness of low purine diet in treatment of gout out breaks. In their handout about purine diet, doctors from Pittsburgh Medical Center describe that low purine diets can reduce contraction of gouts. It is explained that purine containing foods are broken down to form uric acid that is responsible for arthritis. They recommend that low consumption of purine foods lowers the amount of uric acid produced by the body hence this can reduce gout arthritis infections (Pittsburgh Medical Center, 2008). Since medications are not so effective, reducing the gout arthritis cases. It is recommended that prevention is more effective than cure. In their essay Preventing Gout Attacks, Palo Alto Medical Foundation doctors write that consumption of low fat foods and those with low levels of purine is more likely to reduce accumulation of uric acid. This in turn reduces chances of gout attacks (Palo Alto Medical Foundation, 2011). This research seeks to give proof that long term maintenance of low diet on purine foods and acupuncture treatment over a period of 24 moths is more effective than the mainstream cures, for instance, patients being administered with NSAIDs and colchicine to reduce break outs of gout arthritis in males aged between 18-40 years. Most of the works done regarding low diet in purine foods is just experimental and more theory. This research seeks to implement the treatment of gout arthritis through diet regulation on purine

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Pre-rotation assigment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Pre-rotation assigment - Essay Example 2. Health Education programs that will be well received. These are such as health education programs on disease prevention and control, tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs use, mental health, sensory perception, nutrition, environmental health, dental health, first aid, and public health (NYC Department of Education, 2013). 3. Information from healthy people 2020 can be used to develop up to date education programs in schools. The information can also influence school based care practices since it provides important information about effective health care practices. Information about certain diseases prevention strategies can be obtained from Healthy people 2020, new ideas about school based care can be obtained from the initiative for it has a variety of information. Take an example of the leading cause of suicide. If increased suicide rates are observed in schools, Healthy People 2020 can provide a variety of information about the current causes, prevention strategies, and management strategies, and how to implement any programs that can eliminate the program (Healthy People 2020, 2013). 4. School nurses will be required to have additional skills. This will include identification and management of mental illness among children, and trauma management. The position could also change and include mental illness specialists and post traumatic stress counselors, as well as related diseases and circumstances to such events. Resources that can be utilized are; seeking more information about post traumatic stress management and gaining skills in that area (Carey, Linke, Hargro, Mosemak & Loehrke,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

BBUS 381 A1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

BBUS 381 A1 - Essay Example Take an assumption that employees within a company have their own goals, and personalities. On this basis, employees cannot be perceived as part and parcel of the organization (Dressler, Reka and Cole, 2011). The principles of human resource management hold that the company should enact group and individual psychology for purposes of making these employees to strive in achieving the goals of the company. On this basis, human resource management aims at achieving the strategic goals of an organization by retaining, attracting and developing the talents of its employees. Dressler, Reka and Cole (2011) observe that human resource management acts as a link between the employees and the management of the organization. Human resource management helps an organization to develop strategies that will assess the various needs of its employees, and thereafter develop methods that will make these employees view their positions as part of their everyday responsibilities (Fudge, 2012). On this bas is, human resource management is a very important element in an organization because it creates loyalty amongst the employees of the organization improving their efficiency in their work place. ... For instance, the company has a human resource department, which is charged with the responsibility of identifying talented individuals to work within the company (Chang, 2012). The company has a human resource development center, which is tasked with the responsibility of training its employees on how to meet the objectives of the organization. The center is also responsible for developing the skills of the various employees that the company employs. This is for purposes of ensuring that these skills are effectively utilized within the company (Fudge, 2012). The human resource development center is also responsible for identifying the various needs of the company’s employees, and methods of satisfying those needs. This is because the aim of this process is to create loyalty amongst its employees; as a result there will be an increased efficiency in their roles. Chang (2012) observes that the company has a reward system, where employees are recognized for their performances, a nd rewarded by the organization. The rewards can either be monetary, or take the form of promotions within the organization. As a result of this policy, the employees of the organization are always working hard, with the hope of getting a promotion, or a reward. These human resource strategies by Samsung have made the company to be one of the leading electronic companies in the world. Part B: Samsung Group is a company from South Korea, with a global presence. The head quarter of the company is in Seoul, in a town referred to as Samsung. Samsung has an interest in the food processing sector, the electronics industry, insurance, and the retail industry. In 1987, the company operated under four business groups which are the Hansol

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Different Cell Membrane Transport Mechanisms Essay Example for Free

The Different Cell Membrane Transport Mechanisms Essay The different cell membrane transport mechanisms The cell membrane is referred to as a ‘fluid mosaic model’ because the protein part within the cell membrane used to be though of as an even layer spread over the outside and the inside of the phospholipid. Now we are starting to think that it is spread unevenly, more like a mosaic than a layer. The phospholipid part of the cell membrane is fluid; this means that its molecules are constantly moving about. Through the molecules constantly moving about it allows for things such as ‘transient gaps’ to occur, these are gaps within the phospholipids which allow molecules to pass through; they are only temporary. Here is a picture of the fluid mosaic model: [pic] Both water-soluble (hydrophilic) and lipid soluble (hydrophobic) substances are able to pass across the cell membrane. It is easier for lipid-soluble compounds to pass relatively quickly through by dissolving in the lipid layer. Water needs to pass through via osmosis where as water-soluble substances cross the membrane through simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion and active transport. Osmosis is thought of as the diffusion of water from an area of high concentration of water molecules to an area of low concentration, across a partially permeable membrane. To define osmosis more accurately we define it in terms of water potential. Water potential is a measure of how easy it is for water molecules to move. Diffusion occurs because substances attract a ‘cloud’ of polar water molecules around them. The cloud is held by weak chemical bonds, including hydrogen bonds; this means that these water molecules cannot move freely. This is a picture of osmosis: [pic] Inside cells some solutes have a higher concentration inside than outside of the cell, this means in order to make it equal they need to move across the cell membrane against the concentration gradient. This means that they cannot get in by passive transport; passive transport is the diffusion of substances across a membrane, this is a spontaneous process and cellular nergy is not expended. Molecules will move from where the substance is more concentrated to where it is less concentrated. The rate of diffusion for different substances is not always the same even if the process is spontaneous; this is because membranes are selectively permeable. They must enter by way of a process known as active transport. It is called active transport because unlike passive transport it requires cellular energy. Active transport involves sp ecial molecules of the membrane called ‘pumps’. Pump molecules can pick up molecules and transport them to the other side of the molecule; where they are released by the pump. Pump molecules are globular proteins which span the lipid bilayer. The energy needed for active transport is used here; a reaction with ATP is required by the pump molecules to supply the metabolic energy to the process. Membrane pumps are specific to the particular molecules they work within; this is what makes selective transport. Here is a picture of active transport: [pic] Simple diffusion can take place in some of the carrier proteins found in the plasma membrane. Carrier proteins have binding sites which pick up specific molecules. They can only function in one direction and they require energy to change shape and move a solute. Simple diffusion is a passive process; this means that substances move down a concentration gradient and they do not need any input of energy from the cell, the rate of diffusion can be affected by a few things. Such as the difference in concentration between the area of high and the area of low concentration. The distance over which concentration occurs has an affect on the rate of diffusion; for example the thickness of the membrane which separates the areas of high and low concentration. The surface area which separates the area of high concentration from the area of low concentration affects the rate of diffusion. The higher the temperature is the more kinetic energy the particles possess and the faster they move; therefore this affects rate of diffusion. [pic] Facilitated diffusion is when diffusion is speeded up by specific proteins in cell membranes. These proteins are able to pass substances across the membrane faster than usual. Facilitated diffusion occurs along a concentration gradient and requires no metabolic energy, unlike active transport. There are only two types of proteins involved in facilitated diffusion; specific carrier proteins take particular substances, e. g. glucose, from one side of the membrane to the other. Ion channels are protein pores that can open or close to control the passage of selected ions, e. g. sodium and potassium. Facilitated diffusion occurs when molecules such as those that are soluble in water cannot pass through the phospholipids in the bilayer. When this happens they are transported across via the carrier proteins. Solute molecules moving about on either side of the membrane will randomly come into contact with their specific binding site. Once they bind, the protein changes shape and the molecules come off the binding site on the other side of the membrane. [pic] Both carrier proteins and ion channels are used during facilitated diffusion. Carrier proteins transport polar molecules across the membrane. The carrier protein is specific to the diffusing molecule. The molecule binds to the receptor on the carrier protein, and the protein changes shape (after an input of energy). The diffusing molecule ends up on the other side of the cell, where it is released. Ion channels are used for the transport of inorganic ions. They facilitate the diffusion of charged particles. The channels are lined with polar molecules. The charge particles move towards regions of opposite charge. The ion channels are usually specific to one particular ion.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Our Planet Needs Genetically Modified Foods :: GMOs, Genetically Modified Crops

Our Planet Needs Genetically Modified Foods Throughout the advancing technology of today, the human culture is becoming futuristic with science and all of its components. Genetically modifying foods presents positive opportunities in agriculture and human health. Furthermore, more scientifically advanced modifications that select genetically superior plants, have enhanced the yield of crops, improved storability, and increased disease resistance. To simply remove genes from one organism and transfer them to another is generally harmless if we take appropriate precautions. This often debated issue holds many objections. Moreover, one may claim that modifying genes at all is unnatural and evaluates a sufficient risk to many different organisms and species. However, the current technology we possess provides us with the capabilities to go beyond our limits. Why draw the line here? Genetically modifying foods presents positive and beneficial opportunities. In most cases, we are not eating those genes. By the time a genetically engineered corn plant has been processed into corn oil, virtually none of the genes or the proteins they produce are left in the food (Nutrition Action Healthletter, 2001). Transferring genes from one plant or animal to another provides an advantageous outcome to this production. A better resistance to weeds, pests, and diseases is produced as well as better yield and a more efficient use of land. Additionally, altering genetics in foods contributes to a better texture, flavour, and nutritional value of a product. Therefore, there is a longer shelf life and less herbicide or other chemicals are used in the production of genetically modified foods, which provides a healthier option and an increased selection for the consumer. Biotechnology is going to help solve problems that we face going into the next century such as reduction of allergi es, development of more nutritious foods, and an increased nutritional production to feed a growing population (McLaughlin, 1999). Subsequently, changing one or two genes does not make a foodstuff unacceptable. Religious and vegetarian groups would object to genes from some species, while adequate protection can be given with labelling the product. Ethically, one may argue that it is radically useless to modify foods genetically or that agriculture is already too technological and it will only progress more negatively. However, it is likely that increasing numbers of genetically modified foods will emerge in the near future with more variety of modifications and associated benefits. Generally, genetically modified foods will affect the lives of most people in the areas of food, medicine and environmental protection as it meets the modern technology of today.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Personal Goals :: essays research papers

My background in technology is not as deep as most people, but I do have some. My first experience with computer technology was when I was in eighth grade and the Atari VCS came out. My sister and I begged our parents for one for what seemed like eternity. Finally, that Christmas, there it was under the tree. After that, I remember computer class in school. Later when I joined the military, I had a small experience with a word processor, when I worked with the Staff Chaplain. After I separated from the military, I got a job at McDonalds as a manager and had to frequently use a computer for numerous tasks, reports, and so forth, and that was my first experience with it in the workplace. Later on I became a truck driver and thought I would not use it very much, but little did I know. The transportation industry is full of technology, from dispatch and the main office, to the trucks themselves. Dispatch is using computers to take orders track them and dispatch them. When a customer calls in and places an order or asks for a pick-up, the first thing a dispatcher does is input the information into a database and finds out if this customer has worked with them before. After they have determined either this they are entering this customer into the database, or they are entering a new program. This new program is how they enter the order into a new database. There are many different programs but they all do the same thing. They track the customers order form where it is originating from to the final destination and every stop in between, they track the mileage and fuel consumption on the individual truck and even how much down time the driver is taking. This program is lin ked to the individual truck, where the driver is in charge of upkeep. On the drivers end he/she is sending messages to dispatch telling them everything they need to know. Such as I am empty, where do I need to go, from I am broke down send help. These devices are called Qualcomms, but that is just a brand name. They are satellite links and mini computers all in one. These computers can do many things, they help the driver plot the shortest route to a delivery, track his fuel consumption, and most importantly his time records. Personal Goals :: essays research papers My background in technology is not as deep as most people, but I do have some. My first experience with computer technology was when I was in eighth grade and the Atari VCS came out. My sister and I begged our parents for one for what seemed like eternity. Finally, that Christmas, there it was under the tree. After that, I remember computer class in school. Later when I joined the military, I had a small experience with a word processor, when I worked with the Staff Chaplain. After I separated from the military, I got a job at McDonalds as a manager and had to frequently use a computer for numerous tasks, reports, and so forth, and that was my first experience with it in the workplace. Later on I became a truck driver and thought I would not use it very much, but little did I know. The transportation industry is full of technology, from dispatch and the main office, to the trucks themselves. Dispatch is using computers to take orders track them and dispatch them. When a customer calls in and places an order or asks for a pick-up, the first thing a dispatcher does is input the information into a database and finds out if this customer has worked with them before. After they have determined either this they are entering this customer into the database, or they are entering a new program. This new program is how they enter the order into a new database. There are many different programs but they all do the same thing. They track the customers order form where it is originating from to the final destination and every stop in between, they track the mileage and fuel consumption on the individual truck and even how much down time the driver is taking. This program is lin ked to the individual truck, where the driver is in charge of upkeep. On the drivers end he/she is sending messages to dispatch telling them everything they need to know. Such as I am empty, where do I need to go, from I am broke down send help. These devices are called Qualcomms, but that is just a brand name. They are satellite links and mini computers all in one. These computers can do many things, they help the driver plot the shortest route to a delivery, track his fuel consumption, and most importantly his time records.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Introduction to Computer Application and Systems Essay

The first week required us to assemble a team and establish the team charter; we also discussed the benefits of information systems in the work environment, such as the computers and Internet access. Almost every major company has computers and Internet access now, the company cannot run smoothly without these basic information technology systems, if the company wants to be successful, it has to connect to the rest of the world and Internet is the best way for the company to do so. But there are also some bad sides about the advanced information technology systems, websites like â€Å"Facebook, Twitter, MySpace† require people put their personal information on the website, even some people are smart enough not putting their real name or address on the website, but majority of the computer users just do not have the awareness, they put their real personal information on those websites and once the information is there, it can never be erased. See more: how to start an essay about yourself for college We also talked about the history of the information systems in week one, such like â€Å"Roads† are the first information flow of the ancient world and other things like â€Å"Birds, Stone, Paper† all indicated the beginning of the information systems. Microsoft Office Word is one of the most useful tools designed by Microsoft, the impact it has had on writing is phenomenal, the Microsoft Office Word program is used by perhaps 95 percent of all writers currently extant, and it also changed the way people write, people do not have to worry about a misspelling or lost on word counts, because the Word tools can help them with all these problems. It is rare to see people still writing an essay or a business report on a piece of paper now; this just shows the information technology systems made people’s life so much easier and how important they relate to the society.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Deadly Happiness of Mrs,. Mallard

Modes of Analysis Character Analysis on Story Of An Hour The Story of an Hour is short story in which many things happened during that hour. With in an hour the main character Mrs. com/story-hour-sorrowful-woman-plight-women/" class="ilgen">Mallard experience emotions that she never felt before in her life. During the process of the story we begin to see a character that is weak sick and summited to society regiment. At the moment of the unexpected, Mrs. Mallard showed a different aspect of herself. We tend to react in the different prospective ways when an unexpected event happens.We tend to have a close look at our real selves. The Story of An Hour by Kate Chopin reflects the dramatic process of Mrs. Mallard’s character through the death of her husband. It also demonstrates that the true identity cannot be sheltered forever. Mrs. Mallard character had a distinctive personality. A woman who summited her self to the mental abuse of her husband and she became sick from all the hurting she kept inside (227). She remains quiet during her life not allowing anyone to know her deepest thoughts. She was not free to do as she wanted. Mrs.Mallard had the desire of getting in touch with the world outside and to be able to speak when ever she wanted to. The detail I am interested in the most is the reaction of Mrs. Mallard toward the saying â€Å"Free Body and Soul free! †(228). It is not easy to understand her reaction. I think that reaction is the result of her inside conflict in which she hesitates about how to determine her own feelings. She doesn't know how to react, she should feel sorry about the death news, but she feels happy about freedom (228). At the beginning, when I saw her reaction about the news of her husband death, I began to analyze the character.At the beginning of the story, I saw a cold hearted character, as I continue reading; it became cleared to me that Kate Chopin was trying to send a message through her story. In the beginning of t he 19th century, this reaction was unacceptable in society. However through the modern readers' eyes; her reaction is the explosion of her true feelings which were repressed for a long time. During the time line in which the story was based on, a wife had to be subservient to her husband and her life was confined to the house. Women in those days were not permitted to divorce; the only way they would acquire liberty was by becoming widows.A traditional role like that, makes Mrs. Mallard consider her marriage as a burden and she feels free when she gets to know about her husband's death. That’s the reason Mrs. Mallard became joyful when she heard the news of her husbands death. I think that she felt overwhelmed with her everyday life of a servant, with complete dependence on Brently his decisions and maybe his dominance. To me it seems that the character of Mrs. Mallard is a person who is disappointed with the harsh reality of her everyday living, and that she is also subconsc iously looking for a chance to escape from an unhappy marriage.She loved her husband and sincerely cried for him when she hears of his death, but at the same time she is happy to acquire her freedom again(228). Through Mrs. Mallard reaction, I can see that she suffers a lot from her married life. Mrs. Mallard tries to use her will to beat the feeling of freedom and the desire for independence, but her will loses, and her true feeling takes control over her thinking. As a result, her reaction is different from what is usual and expected. Her exclamation of freedom impact the readers, because of the unexpected reaction of Mrs.Mallard, by Chopin allowing this expression in the story it helps the reader understand the inside struggle of her own life. Mrs. Mallard is a vivid character that identifies the life of Chopin. It indicates her private needs, emotion and expectations which she kept inside. Chopin lived in an era where women were not heard. Personally, I think that the saying fre e is the reaction that expresses the feelings about society condemnatory ways to women. To Mrs. Mallard it is like a prison having to be under the oppression of her husband authority.She had lived under the control of her husband, with little identity and time of her own. Maybe to under his imposed private will it was confusing for her ability to identify herself. The expression in the reaction helps the reader identify more strongly with her need for individuality. I also can identify with Mrs. Mallard with myself: she is a lady who sacrifices herself for her husband. Her reaction shows that despite a lot of suffering, she is willing to maintain the wife role the last moment. She only dares to let her true feeling pour out after she hears of his death and in a place away from public view, in her room (228).Her saying tells me that in her life she has never experienced such a moment of great joy, happiness and excitement like this. Later on in the story, she received the disappointm ent of her life when she learns her husband was alive. That brought her to her death which in another way she became free of her oppression (228). When I read this story for the first time, it seemed to be a story of many unpredictable details. To me, the story is still highly appreciated until strict social bias and peoples expectations about gender roles in general and marriage in particular are denied completely.

Creating a server (Linux)

For this kind of scenario, I would have to create a server from scratch so I can be able to identify any types of vulnerabilities on any of these server requirements stated below. Any of these can be at risk at any time, so creating a new server from scratch would be most recommended. Because it is kind of safer than Windows because most viruses and worms are written for Windows but it doesn’t mean Linux can be attacked.Server Requirements:A Web ServerA database serverA Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) serverA file server customers’ loan applications and other personal data files First of all, since Linux is mostly an open-source type of software running server, it is very vulnerable to any kinds of attacks, or as Linux calls them, crackers. Many malicious attacks on Linux and related applications will also grow. The Web Server isn’t much of a risk because but it is still an important software that can have a high risk of being attacked because it’s kn own as an open-source, so having any personal information stored inside it, can be at risk of being exposed to a cracker (hacker).The Database Server is a very high risk of vulnerabilities because this is where important data and files are being stored in. Again, this is still an open-source software so protecting this kind of software is important to the company. A Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and a file server for customers’ loan applications and other personal data files are a must protect! These are open-sources too, so basically all of these server requirements are open source, no surprise. But protecting all these will require a lot of attention especially the SMTP, file server for customers’ and the database server. Here are some steps/tools that you can use to stop any kinds of attacks upon these servers: Identify any risks/vulnerabilities these servers have:Open portsNessusOpenSSH/PuTTY/SSHBurp SuiteThere’s more of these but these are the basics of protecting your Linux system from attacks. Follow these steps and you’ll be able to have any risks on your Linux systems.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Refugees Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Refugees - Essay Example by reporting on the High Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development’s 2013 meeting, which was hosted by the Permanent Observer Mission to the Holy See to the UN to discuss response to the refugee crisis (, 2013). In discussing the refugee crisis, the article highlights the countries that have had to deal with the refugee crisis, as well as the main challenges they face in hosting refugees. According to the writer, other countries should be doing more to assist in the refugee crisis by giving more aid and assistance to the host countries and partnering with them for long-term solutions. This is important to ensure that the situation is not made worse by inability of host countries to admit refugees. The article’s main argument holds that the slow response by the international community, aside from Syria’s neighbors, will worsen the already critical refugee situation. The refugee crisis has resulted in over one million children living in refugee camps and camps for the internally displaced, which has placed them in danger of exploitation through trafficking, early marriage, and child labor (, 2013). In addition, the crisis has also affected fellow refugees from Palestine, Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan, and Somalia, who have had to flee most parts of the country. This mass exodus of humans from Syria to neighboring countries has burdened host countries with extra budgetary expenses, which will only worsen as the war drags on. Any more significant numbers of refugees will place huge economic and social burdens on the host countries (, 2013), which may turn refugees to maintain their own countries’ socio-economic wellbeing. In making this argument, the writer makes the assumption that there will be no cessation of hostilities and that the refugee crisis will only get worse as more of Syria becomes a war zone. In my opinion, it is important that other countries become in the mitigation of the Syrian refugee crisis. This is